Since 1990, I have been facilitating the multilingual communication of

Conference Interpreter

I am a bilingual

conference interpreter

interpreting online & on-site.

My language combinations:

GermanDutch in both directions.

French/EnglishGerman/Dutch from the foreign language into my mothertongs.

Good to know:

I am an experienced relais.

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start-ups and small businesses, as well as European and Global players and many institutional clients

Procurement Service

I have been sourcing my technical equipment from well-established conference and event equipment suppliers for many years. Why not benefit from my proven business relationships?

Click here

Click here

I am also

  • part of a worldwide network of conference interpreters

  • a member of the Dutch association of translators and interpreters (NGTV)

  • an experienced booth mate of many colleagues with whom I worked in small and large teams of interpreters.

    You need an interpreter? You need a team of interpreters? Perhaps I can assist you in finding the appropriate colleagues for your particular requirements, or at the very least, provide you with advice on what to anticipate from a professional interpreter.

Consultant Interpreter

I am a

one-stop consultant

  • who draws on over 30 years of professional experience

  • who is worldwide connected and

  • who is well-informed about the technological and organisational developments in the field of interpreting

  • and who stays informed.

Interpreting trainers,

conference interpreters & me


Seit 1990 erleichtere ich die mehrsprachige Kommunikation von

Start-ups und mittelständigen Unternehmen, von europäischen Holdings und global Playern sowie zahlreichen institutionellen Auftraggebern.


Ich bin ein zweisprachiger


und dolmetsche sowohl

online als auch vor Ort.

Meine Sprachkombinationen:

DeutschNiederländisch in beiden Richtungen.

Französisch/EnglischDeutsch/Niederländisch aus der Fremdsprache in die jeweilige Muttersprache.

Für Kenner: Ich bin relaiserfahren.

Hier klicken

Hier klicken


Seit vielen Jahren beziehe ich meine Konferenz- und Veranstaltungstechnik von etablierten Fachausrüstern. Profitieren Sie von meinen bewährten Geschäftsbeziehungen.

Hier klicken

Hier klicken

Ich bin außerdem

  • Teil eines weltweiten Netzwerks von Konferenzdolmetschern

  • Mitglied des niederländischen Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherverbandes (NGTV)

  • und habe als erfahrener Konferenzdolmetscher mit vielen Kollegen in kleinen und großen Dolmetscherteams zusammengearbeitet.

    Sie benötigen einen Dolmetscher? Sie benötigen ein Dolmetscherteam? Ich kann Ihnen bei der Auswahl von Dolmetschern behilflich sein, deren sprachliche und fachinhaltliche Kompetenz sich mit Ihren speziellen Bedürfnissen decken. Zudem berate ich Sie gerne, worauf Sie bei der Auswahl professioneller Dolmetscher achten sollten.

Beratender Dolmetscher

Ich bin Dolmetscher und Berater für mehrsprachige Veranstaltungen in einer Person

  • mit über 30 Jahren Berufserfahrung

  • weltweit vernetzt mit Berufskollegen, Dolmetschertrainern und Technikberatern.

  • Ich bin über die technologischen und organisatorischen Entwicklungen im Bereich des Dolmetschens gut informiert und

  • bilde mich permanent weiter.

Interpreting trainers,

conference interpreters & me

De Nederlandse vertaling zal binnenkort gereed zijn

Since 1990, I have been facilitating the multilingual communication of

start-ups and small businesses, as well as European and Global players and many institutional clients

Conference Interpreter

I am a


online & on-site

conference interpreter

German (DE) ↔ Dutch (NL)

interpreting also from

French (FR)/English EN → German (DE)/Dutch (NL)

Click here

Click here

Procurement Service

I have been sourcing my technical equipment from well-established conference and event equipment suppliers for many years. Why not benefit from my proven business relationships?

Click here

Click here

I am

  • part of a worldwide network of conference interpreters

  • a member of the Dutch association of translators and interpreters (NGTV)

  • an experienced booth mate of many colleagues with whom I worked in small and large teams of interpreters.

    You need an interpreter? You need a team of interpreters? Perhaps I can assist you in finding the appropriate colleagues for your particular requirements, or at the very least, provide you with advice on what to anticipate from a professional interpreter.

Consultant Interpreter

I am also a

one-stop consultant

  • who draws on over 30 years of professional experience

  • who is worldwide connected and

  • who is well-informed about the technological and organisational developments in the field of interpreting.

Interpreting trainers,

conference interpreters & me

La traduction française sera bientôt disponible

Since 1990, I have been facilitating the multilingual communication of

start-ups and small businesses, as well as European and Global players and many institutional clients

Conference Interpreter

I am a


online & on-site

conference interpreter

German (DE) ↔ Dutch (NL)

interpreting also from

French (FR)/English EN → German (DE)/Dutch (NL)

Click here

Click here

Procurement Service

I have been sourcing my technical equipment from well-established conference and event equipment suppliers for many years. Why not benefit from my proven business relationships?

Click here

Click here

I am

  • part of a worldwide network of conference interpreters

  • a member of the Dutch association of translators and interpreters (NGTV)

  • an experienced booth mate of many colleagues with whom I worked in small and large teams of interpreters.

    You need an interpreter? You need a team of interpreters? Perhaps I can assist you in finding the appropriate colleagues for your particular requirements, or at the very least, provide you with advice on what to anticipate from a professional interpreter.

Consultant Interpreter

I am also a

one-stop consultant

  • who draws on over 30 years of professional experience

  • who is worldwide connected and

  • who is well-informed about the technological and organisational developments in the field of interpreting.

Interpreting trainers,

conference interpreters & me