One-stop Consulting

Interpreting services are not utilised on a daily basis. Each interpreting assignment is unique. Consequently, every interpreting assignment is specifically adapted to the client's needs and the given communication scenario, through close consultation with the client.

Are you aware of the criteria used to select professional interpreters who can most effectively communicate your message in a different language and culture? Which technical equipment is required for optimal voice communication? What considerations should be taken into account when organising online or on-site events that involve interpreters, or a combination of both?

Your questions

We are organising a multilingual conference, board meeting, staff training, European Works Council, etc. What are the key considerations?

We are expecting international guests. A number of our guests are unable to either comprehend or converse in English. What can we do to address this language barrier?

We would like to invite speakers with different cultural backgrounds. What cultural conventions must we understand ensuring we do not inadvertently offend anyone?

We are organising a video conference with our international business partners, potential clients, legal advisors, and others. What should we consider for online meetings?

We are trying to determine the most suitable format for our multilingual event: is an in-person meeting, an online session, or a hybrid approach preferable?

Do we really need interpreting booths and audio/video technicians on site for our multilingual event?

We require an interpreter for a guided tour, a multi-day trade mission, or an official reception with foreign guests. Can you help us choose an interpreter?

During consultations with patients or their families, our family doctor, surgeon, or medical specialist needs the assistance of an interpreter.

I am sure that you will have further questions.

My advise

You require one or more interpreters but are unfamiliar with the criteria that apply to professional language services. Obtain advice from a skilled and experienced interpreter.

In the past, you enlisted the help of an interpreting agency or event organiser, but the service did not meet your expectations. Benefit from the many years of experience of a competent conference interpreter.

Due to rapid technological progress, including advancements in artificial intelligence, the translation and interpreting industry is experiencing significant transformation. There seem to be no limits to the imagination. IT, organic, eco,, AI. Yet again, an abbreviation causes a buzz.

But what is realistic, what is exaggeration, what is marketing chatter? To avoid unpleasant surprises, thoroughly research before using an interpreting service.

You are organising a multilingual online meeting via platforms such as Zoom, Teams, Bluejeans, etc. You are arranging an event with international attendees at a conference venue, but your budget is constrained. Is your meeting with participants who speak different languages scheduled at short notice? RSI, MT, TM, MTPE, CAT, CAI, cascade model, machine translation, and issues of confidentiality and discretion.

In the scenarios outlined above, whom can you reach out to with your questions? Whom do you call? The Ghostbusters? In that case, it would be wiser to consult an experienced interpreter.

It would be a pleasure to offer you more specific guidance in a one-on-one meeting, ensuring that you are well-prepared to sidestep any unwelcome surprises.

Michael Miethke, your interpreting consultant.


Beratung aus einer Hand

Dolmetscherdienste werden nicht täglich in Anspruch genommen. Kein Dolmetschereinsatz gleicht dem anderen. Deshalb wird jeder Dolmetschereinsatz zuvor in enger Absprache mit dem Kunden auf dessen Bedürfnisse und die jeweilige Gesprächssituation zugeschnitten.

Kennen Sie die Auswahlkriterien für professionelle Dolmetscher, die Ihre Botschaft am besten in eine andere Sprache, eine andere Kultur übermitteln können? Welche technische Ausrüstung wird für eine optimale Sprachvermittlung benötigt? Worauf ist zu achten bei einer Online- oder einer Vor-Ort-Veranstaltung mit Dolmetschereinsatz oder gar einer Mischung aus beiden Veranstaltungsformen?

Ihre Fragen

Wir planen eine mehrsprachige Konferenz, Vorstandsitzung, Mitarbeiterschulung, EBR usw. Worauf müssen wir achten?

Wir erwarten internationale Gäste. Einige von ihnen können Deutsch weder verstehen noch sprechen. Wie lösen wir dieses Sprachproblem?

Wir möchten Sprecher aus unterschiedlichen Kulturkreisen einladen. Was müssen wir über die jeweiligen kulturellen Geflogenheiten wissen, um Niemandem vor den Kopf zu stoßen.

Wir planen eine Videokonferenz mit unseren ausländischen Geschäftspartnern, potenziellen Kunden, Rechtsberatern usw. Worauf ist bei Online-Besprechungen zu achten?

Wir sind uns nicht sicher, welches Format für unsere mehrsprachige Veranstaltung am besten geeignet ist: persönliche Begegnung vor Ort, online oder eine Mischung aus beiden Veranstaltungsformen?

Benötigen wir für unsere mehrsprachige Veranstaltung wirklich Dolmetscherkabinen und Audio/Video-Techniker vor Ort?

Wir benötigen einen Dolmetscher während einer Führung, einer mehrtägigen Handelsmission, eines offiziellen Empfangs mit ausländischen Gästen. Können Sie uns bei der Wahl des Dolmetschers behilflich sein?

Unser Hausarzt, Chirurg, Fachmediziner benötigt einen Dolmetscher während eines Gesprächs mit einem Patienten oder dessen Angehörige.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass Sie noch weitere Fragen haben.

Meine Empfehlungen

Sie benötigen einen oder mehrere Dolmetscher, aber wissen zu wenig oder nichts über die für professionelle Sprachdienstleistungen geltenden Kriterien. Lassen Sie sich von einem erfahrenen Dolmetscher beraten.

Sie haben in der Vergangenheit die Dienste einer Dolmetscheragentur oder eines Veranstaltungsorganisators in Anspruch genommen, aber Sie waren unzufrieden mit der erbrachten Leistung. Nutzen Sie die langjährige Erfahrung eines kompetenten Konferenzdolmetschers.

Durch den rasanten technischen Fortschritt, u. a. der Vormarsch der künstlichen Intelligenz, ist die Übersetzungs- und Dolmetscherbranche gerade im Umbruch begriffen. Der Fantasie scheinen keine Grenzen gesetzt zu sein. IT, Bio, Öko,, AI. Mal wieder wird ein Buchstabenkürzel zum Hype.

Doch was ist realistisch, was Übertreibung, was Marketing-Bla-Bla? Vermeiden Sie böse Überraschungen. Bevor Sie eine Dolmetscherdienstleistung in Anspruch nehmen, sollten Sie sich gründlich informieren.

Sie planen eine mehrsprachige Online-Sitzung mit Zoom, Teams, Bluejeans etc. Sie planen eine Veranstaltung mit ausländischen Gästen an einem Konferenzort, doch Ihr Budget ist begrenzt. Ihre Besprechung mit fremdsprachigen Teilnehmern wird kurzfristig anberaumt? RSI, MT, TM, TMPE, CAT, CAI, Kaskadenmodell, Maschinenübersetzung, Fragen der Vertraulichkeit und Diskretion.

An wen können Sie sich in diesen Fällen mit Ihren Fragen wenden? Wen rufen Sie an? Die Ghostbusters? Dann doch lieber einen erfahrenen Dolmetscherberater.

Ich berate Sie gerne ausführlicher während eines persönlichen Gesprächs, denn ein informierter Mensch vermeidet böse Überraschungen.

Michael Miethke, ihr Dolmetscherberater.

De Nederlandse vertaling zal binnenkort gereed zijn.

Professioneel advies

Your Questions

We are planing a multilingual conference, board meeting, staff training, European Work Council etc. for the very first time.

We are expecting an international audience, and some or most of the participants do not understand or speak English.

We intend to invite keynote speakers with different cultural backgrounds who don’t speak our lingua franca.

We plan a video conference with our foreign business partners, potential clients, legal advisers etc.

We are not sure which format is best suited to our event: on-site, online or a mix of both (hybrid)?

Do we really need interpreters, audio- and video technicians and conference equipment for our planned event?

We need an interpreter for a guided tour, our trade mission lasting several days, official reception of our guests (trade partners, politicians, experts, civil servants).

Our general practitioner, surgeon, medical consultant needs an interpreter to talk to the patient or their relatives.

I am sure that you will have further questions.

My Advice

You need interpreters, but you know only a little or nothing about the interpreting service. Ask an experienced consultant interpreter.

You hired an interpreting agency or translation company or event organiser in the past, but you weren’t satisfied with their service. Why not benefit from the expertise of an experienced consultant interpreter.

The translation and interpreting industry is changing in a revolutionary way. Big claims are made. But what is practical, and what is hype or too-good-to-be-true marketing chatter? Be prepared and informed before ordering an interpreting service.

A multilingual meeting with Zoom, Teams, Bluejeans etc. An on-site, an online or a hybrid event and little time left to organise it? RSI, MT, TM, CAT, CAI, cascade model, machine translation, confidentiality issues. Who can answer your questions? Whom do you call? Ghostbusters? Better: Ask an experienced consultant interpreter.

For more detailed information, get in touch with me, Michael Miethke, your consultant interpreter.

An informed person avoids costly errors.

La traduction française sera bientôt disponible.

Conseils professionnels

Your Questions

We are planing a multilingual conference, board meeting, staff training, European Work Council etc. for the very first time.

We are expecting an international audience, and some or most of the participants do not understand or speak English.

We intend to invite keynote speakers with different cultural backgrounds who don’t speak our lingua franca.

We plan a video conference with our foreign business partners, potential clients, legal advisers etc.

We are not sure which format is best suited to our event: on-site, online or a mix of both (hybrid)?

Do we really need interpreters, audio- and video technicians and conference equipment for our planned event?

We need an interpreter for a guided tour, our trade mission lasting several days, official reception of our guests (trade partners, politicians, experts, civil servants).

Our general practitioner, surgeon, medical consultant needs an interpreter to talk to the patient or their relatives.

I am sure that you will have further questions.

My Advice

You need interpreters, but you know only a little or nothing about the interpreting service. Ask an experienced consultant interpreter.

You hired an interpreting agency or translation company or event organiser in the past, but you weren’t satisfied with their service. Why not benefit from the expertise of an experienced consultant interpreter.

The translation and interpreting industry is changing in a revolutionary way. Big claims are made. But what is practical, and what is hype or too-good-to-be-true marketing chatter? Be prepared and informed before ordering an interpreting service.

A multilingual meeting with Zoom, Teams, Bluejeans etc. An on-site, an online or a hybrid event and little time left to organise it? RSI, MT, TM, CAT, CAI, cascade model, machine translation, confidentiality issues. Who can answer your questions? Whom do you call? Ghostbusters? Better: Ask an experienced consultant interpreter.

For more detailed information, get in touch with me, Michael Miethke, your consultant interpreter.

An informed person avoids costly errors.