Mein Arbeitsethos
My work ethic
LinkedIn 2025, January 17
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
This African proverb perfectly captures today’s word: Ubuntu (pronounced "oo-BOON-too").
In an era where AI and automation dominate business headlines, this timeless concept powerfully reminds us of the human element of success.
What is Ubuntu?
Desmond Tutu explained Ubuntu as: "A person is a person through other persons." "umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu" literally means "a person is a person through people."
It's the understanding that we are not just connected – our connections define us.
Beyond Individual Achievement
While Western business culture often celebrates individual genius (think Steve Jobs or Elon Musk), Ubuntu presents a different model:
• Success is collective
• Leadership is service
• Innovation is collaborative
• Growth is mutual
Ubuntu in Modern Business
Companies successfully applying Ubuntu principles include:
Discovery Limited (South Africa)
• Created a "Vitality" program where client success directly benefits other clients
• Built a shared-value insurance model
• That resulted in healthier clients and higher profits
LinkedIn's Own Story
Reid Hoffman's "Alliance" management framework echoes Ubuntu:
• Employees and employers grow together
• Networks create mutual success
• Individual advancement serves the community
Real-World Impact
When Microsoft's African Development Centre adopted Ubuntu principles:
• They created innovation hubs that serve local communities
• Employee retention increased
• Local talent development accelerated
• Solutions became more globally relevant
The Ubuntu Advantage
Research shows organizations practicing Ubuntu-style leadership see:
• 23% higher employee engagement
• 37% fewer sick days
• Stronger stakeholder relationships
• More sustainable growth
Weekly Challenge
Identify one process in your organization that could benefit from Ubuntu thinking. How might you redesign it to create mutual success?
What would your organization look like if it fully embraced "I am because we are"?
From: Transatlantique Translation Group
Old News
Gegen Ausländerhass
Against xenophobia
Natürlich gibt es gerade hier in Thüringen leider viele, die ihn von oben herab behandeln, die das gute Verhalten, was sie lautstark einfordern, selbst nicht umsetzen können. Aber inzwischen lässt Mohamad das niemanden mehr durchgehen.
Es gibt viele Thüringer, die dringend mal in einen seiner Integrations- und Sprachkurse gehen sollten, denn deutsche Werte und Verhaltensregeln gehören zum Unterrichtsstoff.
Inzwischen ist er selbstständiger Dolmetscher, Übersetzer und Sprachlehrer. Jemand, den man kennt in Weimar, weil er immer bereit ist zu helfen, ohne zu zögern. Deutschland und besonders Thüringen brauchen Menschen wie Mohamad.
Die Frage ist, ob wir sie auch verdient haben…
Weltoffenes Thüringen
LinkedIn am 17. Oktober 2024 von
Hannes Wagner • 2. Auf den Kern der Sache kommen - Komplexes vereinfachen